Thursday, June 21, 2007

Got coprolite?

via an e-mail to Webnet from Claudia Morgan, Web & Multimedia Coordinator, HRB Communications, UCOP

Sometime back I asked for questions to ask prospective web designer candidates. I received a number of good suggestions (thanks!) and have been asked by other members of this listserv—who were also hiring—for a list of these suggested questions.

Well, I want to add to the list an article I found (with the introduction):

The Web Professional Test
I’m of the mind that those of us who are Web professionals should be tested as part of qualifying for our jobs. Just as writers and others are.

The days are over (in truth, they never really started) when it worked to equip the inexperienced with WYSIWYG editors and turn them loose on the Web.

Web professionals need to perpetually cultivate a broad and in-depth skill set. If you are not motivated to do this, you quickly become a technological coprolite.

And while the specifics depend to some extent on the size and composition of the Web team, the more you can offer, the better.

So in addition to the usual interview questions, here is how I would test: More >

Let's discuss amongst ourselves. Do you agree with Rose Pruyne?