Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Grade Your Website

via via popurls

Do you build Web sites and pages? Do you toss and turn restlessly in bed at night, wondering if your code is XHTML-valid, accessibility-compliant, and current-browser-friendly? Do you gnash your teeth and rend your garments when you get an e-mail complaining that there’s something wrong with your Web site?

If so, you need to ease up a little.

In the meantime, you can use some of the 31 Free Online Tests compiled in one handy-dandy post at Aviva Directory. The 31 tests are broken into 5 categories: Code Validation; Accessibility; Speed; Browser Simulators; and, Search Engine Optimization.

Now you have no excuse for non-valid, non-compliant, non-friendly, gnash- and rend-inducing code.