A few minutes ago, I received the following email from a member of Webnet:
Can anyone point me to where the official Berkeley colors -- in CMYK and RBG -- are posted, or direct me to someone who would know what they are?
I've visited the Identity Resources page (identity.berkeley.edu) but only see guidelines for the seal, signature, typeface, and format.
Here was a reply from another member:
I don't have the CMYK or RGB values handy, but someone inquired about "official" PMS colors recently. Here are some combinations that are typically used:
These are typically used for the seal:
540 (blue)
139 (gold)
540 (blue)
874 (metallic)
These are used when brighter colors are required, e.g., for athletics:
287 (blue)
1235 (gold)
288 (blue)
1245 (gold)
Looks like we should update the identity site to reflect PMS, CMYK, and RGB recommendations, for both print and web.