Friday, November 12, 2010

Fresh take on Cal!

In September photographer Elena Zhukova, her assistant Leon Brauer, and myself spent two days traversing the campus via golf cart in pursuit of capturing the energy, diversity, and spirit of UC Berkeley. The project was spearheaded by UCOP's creative director, Vanessa CorrĂȘa, who is conducting similar photo shoots at each UC campus.

All photos are now available for use in campus publications and websites and can be previewed here.

Please contact Kathryn Bader, Office of Public Affairs, if you'd like a high res version of a particular photo.

UCOP is already using some of these photos, as well as photos from Santa Cruz, on the University of California website.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Visualizing Data

Couple of amazing things here. I feel like he should credit his printer though.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Moment of Old Snark

You may've seen this already, but I haven't. And sincere apologies for being "partisan" here... but I found this video criticism amusing and well done from a design standpoint.... If Microsoft Packaged an iPod

Redesigned Album Covers

Witty minimalism.

If Zeppelin were Bauhaus

Monday, May 3, 2010

Proud parent

As some of you know, last year's General Catalog was featured on the 4/27 episode of Parenthood (NBC, Tuesday's at 10 PM).

[I have to admit, it was a little like seeing my kid singing up on stage in their first holiday pageant.]

The printed page is not (quite) dead...

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Can the hundred dollar bill get any uglier?

redesign:related brings us the U.S. Government’s latest treatment of Benjamin Franklin’s favorite unit of currency, the one hundred dollar bill.

new 100 dollar bill redesign

Judge for yourself whether the new look is a good or a bad thing, but I've put my vote in the title of this post.

Friday, March 5, 2010

RIP... please?

He's in a much better place now... wish I could say, he lived a good life.

Some remembrances:
He was my grandmother's first internet experience, if you know what I mean ;)

What a rat bastard.

And another:
One cannot say the death was quick, and without pain, but remember we shall the many times IE6 was part of our days.

IE6 was known as a friend, but also as an enemy to many of us. He was a tough guy, always around, even if you didn't need him. And that is exactly how I remember him. As someone who never gave up: Deep inside he must have known a lot of browsers were better than him, but he kept on fighting against them. More and more enemies came to make his life difficult, but with the support of Microsoft he was staying in everyones life. His strong charism even made lot of webdesigners and programmers program code especially for IE6. That must have been very special to him.

Let's remember IE6 with those thoughts... Now it's time to move forward: Life goes on... even without IE6. Thanks (for dying).

To leave your remembrance, click here.